Kamis, 01 Desember 2022

‘He was loved here’: How Sean Monahan built an enduring legacy in Calgary - Sportsnet.ca

STAJAN: Once you get to know him, and get to see his personality, he’s a pretty funny guy.

BOUMA: It’s that dry sense of humour. Easy to get along with, easy to talk with, and obviously a great player right from the start.

CONROY: He was one of the guys we brought in and had lunch with prior to the draft — we just had a feeling. Picking sixth overall, he was one of the guys in that area. I remember just how easy it was to talk to him — for a young guy, he was already mature at that age. It was amazing how he was just such a professional.

BOUMA: He was a top pick, so people expected a lot out of him, and he just came in and played great right from the start. And, you know, he just rode that out throughout the entire year. Obviously, as a rookie, there were bumps in the road along the way, but he did a really good job of just sticking with it and having confidence in himself, even as a young player.

STAJAN: He’s just Sean. You know, Mony’s a guy that just goes with the flow. He’s pretty laid back, but he cares a lot. When you have the spotlight on you, a lot of pressure on you, and you just go about your business, that’s what he did. He’s a proud guy, so he puts in the work. And he also knows how to keep the mental side flowing in the right direction — he doesn’t get down on himself, he doesn’t get too high on himself, he just goes about his business. That’s why he was successful at such a young age.

BRODIE: You know, I think for him, he’s just so down to earth and laid back that he just goes with the flow. And I think, as a team, we were sort of considered underdogs. So we had that extra push to kind of try to prove people wrong. It was just one of those years where we had a lot of comebacks and things like that, and guys gained confidence over the year.

STAJAN: You could feel in the city that they were kind of doing a retool, a little bit of a rebuild, and there was a lot of excitement about young guys. That’s what happens when you lose your superstar — you look for who’s going to be the next one. Those young guys came in and, you know, there was a spotlight right away.

And Mony was the first one.

Monahan might’ve been first — the one burdened with bridging the gap between the Iginla era and what came after — but in his sophomore season, he got reinforcements in the form of a rookie Gaudreau. And from there, one of the franchise’s all-time duos was born.

CONROY: Him and Johnny were at the development camp together in the summer, and they got put together on a line — it was, like, instant chemistry. Johnny was feeding Mony, Mony’s scoring goals, and you’re like, ‘Oh, this might work one day.’ [Laughs.] It’s almost like they were playing together for 10 years prior.

[After that camp] John went back to school, Mony started playing in the NHL. When they got back together [in 2014], that whole year, you were like, ‘Whoa.’

STAJAN: It was amazing to watch how quickly it happened. Johnny’s rookie year was Mony’s second — they took off, with Jiri Hudler. It was just chemistry that was instant, and it was there all year. Straight to playoffs, straight to the last game. It was amazing to watch two young kids do that.

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2022-12-01 13:26:58Z

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